Alphonse Pillot, born in 1901, had two sons, Fernand and Jean, who worked together until joined by their respective sons, Laurent and Jean-Marc, at which point the branches separated. Laurent and Jean-Marc have in turn been joined by their sons, Adrien and Antonin. Alphonse also had a daughter Paulette who married Henri Germain of Meursault.

Alphonse’s brother Henri had various sons, of whom only Paul continued as a vigneron. His domaine is now run by his children Thierry and Chrystelle. Paul’s sister Cécile married Fernand Coffinet, whence today’s domaines Morey-Coffinet and Coffinet-Duvernay. Domaine Lamy-Pillot is no relation (except through the Lamy side, chortles Fernand Pillot).

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